Our Inspiration
Mathias battled osteosarcoma fearlessly and with grace beyond his years for 29 months until, on Sunday December 7th, 2014 at 5:00 in the evening, he decided that it was time to leave this world.
His courage and spirit inspired everyone he met. His smile lit up the room and his positive outlook was amazing. Even while fighting for his life, he was determined to make a difference for others and spread awareness about pediatric cancer. He wanted funding and better treatment options. He wanted people to know that kids get cancer too and that they can’t fight alone.
Our Mission
The mission of Team Mathias is guided by what was important to Mathias during his battle with cancer. He was determined to make a positive impact in the lives of kids diagnosed. In a general sense, this meant calling attention to the facts about pediatric cancer. Childhood cancer research is consistently underfunded and for many cancers, treatments are severely out-dated and awareness leads to funding, and ultimately to research and better treatment options. On a daily and personal level, Mathias’s heart went out to kids in the same situation. He identified where he could help and his ideas shaped the work we do today.

Our Team
Mathias’s parents, Chris and Roya Giordano, are honored to work with such an amazing team of volunteers. They bundle care packages, manage events, staff tables, answer emails and keep things running smoothly.